Sunday, October 20, 2013

OLL Progress

Since the beginning of this project, I have made a decent amount of progress in memorizing OLLs. I have explained what OLL and an algorithm is in my introduction post so please refer back to that if you are unsure.

I have been using Badmephisto's website and iPhone app for these algorithms. The link can be found in the resources page.

The cases which I have recently memorized the algorithms for are:
(R U R' U) R d' R U' R' F'
(R U R' U) (R' F R F') U2 (R' F R F')

(R U R' U') R' F R2 U R' U' F'

If  you wish to know what these algorithms mean, refer to my notation page.

Now when I see any of these cases I can solve them in a single algorithms instead of having use "2 Look OLL. 2 Look OLL is when you have to convert an OLL case  into another case using an algorithm which you already know. 2 Look OLL is not nearly as fast because it requires 2 algorithms instead of 1.

1 comment:

  1. You're building a strong blog, Jordan. You explain things thoroughly and include helpful resources. The only suggestion I can make (and it's a picky one) is that you could include links in your posts. For example, on this post you refer readers to a page instead of explaining algorithms, which is appropriate; however, when you mention the website and the app, it would be very nice to hot link the words to the site or app even though both are on your resource page.

    Aside from this picky detail, you are clearly knowledgeable and building a valuable resource for those who want to follow your learning path. Well done.
